When considering locations on which to base work, the beach near my home where I would walk to nearly every day as a child was at the top of the list. I would look for rocks and aluminum nuggets, castoffs from a foundry on the lake shore or ship bolts battered into an unrecognizable shape. I would also look through the lines of driftwood that would bundle together at the edge of where the waves lapped. These bundles form in rows, new ones forming as the water receded after a storm. They contain the aforementioned driftwood, as well as other plant matter and a depressing amount of plastic.
For this bronze I created a bundle of sticks, not driftwood, but fresh twigs from my walk to school. Once thrown into the lake, they will be battered against the rocks and sand on the bottom. They will twist and dent, getting smoothed over years next to the real sticks, becoming driftwood with them.